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The STokenManager contract is a contract for managing SToken tokens. This contract is an ERC-721 compliant contract.


tokenURI( uint256 _tokenId )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
  • return: String

  • detail   Return the URI corresponding to _tokenId.

setTokenURIImage( uint256 _tokenId, string _data )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
    • {string} _data
  • return: none

  • detail   Change the URI corresponding to _tokenId.

freezeTokenURI( uint256 _tokenId )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
  • return: none

  • detail Fix the uri associated with _tokenId. Only the author of the property associated with _tokenId can be executed.

meltTokenURI( uint256 _tokenId )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
  • return: none

  • detail Unfix the uri associated with _tokenId. Only the author of the property associated with _tokenId can be executed.

positions( uint256 _tokenId )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
  • return:

    • {address} _property
    • {number} _amount
    • {number} _price
    • {number} _cumulativeReward
    • {number} _pendingReward
  • detail Get the position information associated with _tokenId. _positions:The address of the Property as the staking destination _amount:The amount of the new staking position _price:The latest unit price of the cumulative staking reward _cumulativeReward:The cumulative withdrawn reward amount _pendingReward: The pending withdrawal reward amount amount

descriptors( uint256 _tokenId )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
  • return:

    • {boolean} _isFreezed
    • {address} _freezingUser
    • {string} _descriptor
  • detail Get customized URI information associated with _tokenId. _isFreezed:Whether the descriptor can be changed or not _freezingUser:Authors who have done the Freeze process _descriptor:Customized URI information

rewards( uint256 _tokenId )

  • argument:

    • {number} _tokenId
  • return:

    • {number} _entireReward
    • {number} _cumulativeReward
    • {number} _withdrawableReward
  • detail Get the reward information associated with _tokenId. _entireReward:The reward amount of adding the cumulative withdrawn amount to the withdrawable amount _cumulativeReward:The cumulative withdrawn reward amount _withdrawableReward:The withdrawable reward amount

positionsOfProperty( address _property )

  • argument:

    • {address} _property
  • return: number[]

  • detail Get the tokenId associated with _property.

positionsOfOwner( address _owner )

  • argument:

    • {address} _owner
  • return: number[]

  • detail Get the tokenId owned by _owner.